Wednesday 27 July 2011

Rubella alert

Parents take note!

The Ministry of Health recently established three confirmed cases of rubella and a number of suspected cases.

Some of these cases have been tested and some are undergoing tests at the Ministry of Health’s virus laboratory at Mataika House in Tamavua.

All these cases are confined in the greater Suva area and were reported from Government and private health clinics in Suva.

The confirmed cases are two males and one female in the age range of 20 to 24 years in the Tamavua locality.

All suspected cases are mainly males in the 20 to 24 years age range.

All patients who have been treated were sent home and are recovering.

Rubella, which is caused by the rubella virus is usually a mild self-limiting disease condition in children and adults.

The disease is rarely fatal but it can adversely affect the unborn child for unimmunized pregnant mothers that contract the disease.

Rubella is a contagious disease, which is transmitted by direct or droplet contact with the respiratory secretions of infected individuals.

The symptoms of rubella infection include development of red rashes on the face, trunk and extremities, with fever, with or without joint pains and red eyes.

Rubella is a vaccine preventable disease.

The Ministry of Health is closely monitoring the situation.

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