Friday 6 January 2012

Lift sanctions, council urges Australia, No bullies please, says Fiji Club

The Australia Fiji Business Council has asked the Australian government to acknowledge the steps taken by its Fijian counterpart in lifting the Public Emergency Regulations.

And the council has asked the Australian government to make some adjustments to the travel sanctions imposed on Fijians.

Council president Greg Pawson made the call yesterday while welcoming the lifting of the PER on 07 January.

Pawson welcomed the announcements by Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama on the lifting of the PER.

“This is a positive first step in moving Fiji in the right direction of normalcy but there remains much more to be done to reassure potential foreign investors including ensuring legal rights of redress,” he said.

He said lifting of the PER would provide an opportunity to move forward.

Pawson said the Australian government had previously said that the lifting of the PER would, with some other steps, assist in moving bilateral relations onto a more normal footing.

“The council now calls on the Australian government to acknowledge this step by the Fiji government and make some adjustment to the travel sanctions on Fiji citizens to reduce the difficult impact they are creating for business and on families.”

Pawson also called on the two governments to restore their respective diplomatic missions to full operating status

Meanwhile, true democracy will enable Fiji to be a true sovereign country protecting its own natural territories, resources, interests and not be controlled, ruled, threatened or bullied by foreign governments.

And true democracy will enable Fijians to govern themselves, says the Fiji Club of New Zealand president, Alton Shameem.

Shameem said the Fijian government continued to display good governance by lifting the Public Emergency Regulations from tomorrow.

The senior official of other Fiji - New Zealand organisation said the lifting of the PER was done under the leadership of Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama.

He said the lifting of the PER would enhance the nationwide consultation of the constitution prepared by the People's Charter for Change.

“Lifting of the PER will further enhance in the nationwide consultation, commencing next month, of the proposed true democratic constitution as prepared by the People's Charter for Change in conjunction with the good people of Fiji for the general elections in 2014,” he said.

“The proposed constitution is based on liberty, equality, right to life, justice, in pursue of happiness, one person one vote irrespective of ethnicity and religious beliefs, and minimal government as those are the inalienable rights of all human beings.”.

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