Sunday, 14 August 2011


Increase in diabetes cases in Fiji

Monday, August 15, 2011
The number of people affected by diabetes in Fiji continues to increase.
According to the Director Public Health Dr Joe Koroivueta - people will continue to lose their life if they are not careful with what they eat.
Dr Koroivueta told FBC News - non-communicable dieseases such as diabetes, hypertention and heart attack are the leading causes of death in the country.
"Diabetes in one of the killer disease in Fiji right now, it affects about 19% of our population, we used to think in health that it was a disease of the urban population but sad to say that we are wrong. It has also now touched on to the rural population."
Dr Koroivueta says it is important to assess the health impacts of what we consume.
"The dietry patterns of our people have changed, it has changed from what it used to be, now with change comes with the change in the disease associated with health."
About 400 people get their leg amputated in a year due to diabetes.

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