Monday, 15 August 2011

Thumbs Up for Government!

100km roads to open this year

By the end of 2011, Government would have opened more than 100 kilometers of new roads in the Western Division.

Commissioner Western Commander Joeli Cawaki said this does not include major road works along the Queens and Kings Road and the Sigatoka Valley Road

Government spends millions of dollars each year to upgrade infrastructure around the country and Mr Cawaki said this saw an increase in development works in rural areas.

The benefits of these developments are enormous and creates an impetus to economic growth.

“The biggest challenge people face is access to services and Government has undertaken the challenge of upgrading our roads,” Mr Cawaki said.

“Works on new roads are underway in the Ra, Ba and Navosa provinces.

“These new roads were never there before, such as the road to the last village of Matukana in Navosa.”

Other roads being constructed include the road to the district (tikina) of Naloto and others are mostly farm roads in the province of Ra, Ba and Navosa.

“This year we should be able to open up newly constructed roads of more than 100 kilometers (in the Western Division alone). This is apart from major roads works done by Naim and the Chinese contractors along the Kings and Queens Roads and the Valley Road in Sigatoka,” Mr Cawaki said.

Apart from roads, new crossings are also being constructed, especially in Ra.

“For Ra there are a lot of roads that cross rivers and we are building crossing now with the help from the Ministry of Works and private contractors,” Mr Cawaki said.

Works will be completed by year end.

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