Wednesday 9 November 2011

Economic Growth and Investment for Fiji

PM launches Nawailevu Mine Site

The opening of Fiji's first bauxite mine in Nawailevu in Vanua Levu is a direct result of Government’s efforts to make Fiji an ideal place for scalable international investment to bring about economic growth and “modernise the nation”, says the Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

Opening the Nawailevu Bauxite Mine today, Commodore Bainimarama said that Fijians should feel confident in forms of exploration such as the Nawailevu Bauxite Mine while Government continues to implement various reforms to create high trading standards for long term growth and a bright future for the Fijian economy.

“As the Fijian Government uncovers new and innovative ways to promote and sustain Fijians livelihoods, development of the mining sector will create immediate business and employment opportunities; improve Fijians' living standards; reduce poverty and attract economic attention to the region,” Commodore Bainimarama said.

“With development of the mining sector, Government will not shy away from its responsibility to the community and the people.”

The Prime Minister, who is the acting Lands Minister, also added that Government will work with resource owners, investors and the environment with holistic approach.

“As the Fijian Government explores the best and most promising opportunities for economic advancement, it is crucial that our Government and our partners maintain a level of transparency and fluid communications to ensure valuable and unassailable growth,” he said.

Also present at today’s historic occasion were officials from the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China to Fiji as well as officials and investors from China.

The Chinese Ambassador to Fiji, Mr Huang Yong said that China was willing to work with Fiji in terms of economic development.

“Today's event is a great achievement of the bilateral achievements between China and Fiji," he said.

As of June 2011, a total of 49 special exploration licenses covering 576,146 hectares were issued while a further 37 applications including deep sea explorations were in varying stages of processing.

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