Tuesday 1 November 2011

LANDOWNERS - Vinaka Vaka Levu (Thank You)

TLTB thanks landowners for land lease renewals

The i-Taukei Land Trust Board has thanked landowners in Navatuvula, Naitasiri for approving the renewal of leases for tenants in one of Fiji's biggest farming community - the Waibau Subdivision.

TLTB General Manager Alipate Qetaki says they have received a letter from - landowners giving their consent for the renewal of 56 leases.

Qetaki says this has happened despite many problems arising from the area including the non-payment of land leases from some tenants.
He says most tenants lease's have expired and they have a large amount in arrears.
Qetaki says concerns were also raised on the rise in road disputes.
It has come to light that some farmers living by the roads are not allowing those living in the interior to cross their land to get to their destinations.

The general manager is advising farmers that every lease has a legal access and if clarification is needed - they need to contact their nearest TLTB office.

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