Thursday 3 November 2011

Wheels allow for help to rural poor - From Australian Acting Head of Mission to Fiji

Irene Kumar, left, of the Tavua Gold Foundation receives the car key from Judith Robinson, Australia's acting head of mission to Fiji. Picture: JAI PRASAD
The work of a Tavua agency providing assistance to the rural poor has been enhanced with AusAID's handover of a $71,600 vehicle on Tuesday.
Australia's acting head of mission to Fiji Judith Robinson said the vehicle would greatly benefit the Tavua Gold Foundation.
She says AusAID had assisted the foundation since its inception in 2008.
"Such organisations can reach those people that are in need of help. We are very concerned about the lives of the people in Tavua and we found that one of the best ways to assist them is through organisations such as this," said Ms Robinson.
She added the vehicle was a great asset to the foundation as it could reach more people in remote areas.
Foundation director Irene Kumar said the vehicle would allow access to more communities.
"Most of the times we are unable to visit certain families because of transportation problems. This vehicle has really eased this worry," said Mrs Kumar.
She added transportation costs created a financial dent in their budget but now they could save more รน and help more.
"We are aiming to increase the number of families we are assisting," she added. The foundation believes in self-sufficiency and sustainability.
It holds art and craft programs and gives mainly women and children an opportunity to work their way out of the situation they are in. A scheme run by the organisation is mainly for education, housing, medical and emergencies.

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