Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Fiji Economy boosted by New Northern Investment Projects

Big Boost for Economy

New investment projects in the Northern Division like bauxite mining, wood chip exports and gold mining are a major boost to the division's economy.

This is in addition to the sugarcane production that has greatly improved this crushing season followed improved milling operations.

Labasa Chamber of Commerce president Ashok Karan said much development was initially concentrated in the province of Macuata with Labasa as its town.

However, in light of developments taking place in the province of Bua, Mr Karan said economic spin-off would spread locally and nationally. He said an equal spread of revenue and opportunities would see landowners receiving compensation for the use of their land, infrastructure development, employment opportunities and income generating projects for the people.

“The economic spin-offs benefit from the bauxite mining at Nawailevu and the Wairiki chip mill is trickling in,” he said.
“From the mining, the landowners have received some form of payment for the use of their land, there are employment opportunities for the people and the district of Lekutu will see more developments.
“I think for the national economy, the Government will benefit from revenue earned and the spin-offs will spread to Labasa and Savusavu,” Mr Karan said.

While the sugar industry is the main income earner for many in the division, it is hoped that the chip mill at Wairiki and the bauxite mining at Nawailevu, rice farming and fishing would revive the northern economy.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama will officiate at the ground-breaking ceremony today at the country’s first bauxite mine.

“The Prime Minister has been instrumental in seeing this development takes place,” Mr Karan said.
“This is one of the Government’s focus where such enterprises or establishment will bring about economic growth and development to the division.”

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