Sunday, 6 November 2011

Fijian Brothers - ONE God! We talk and worship him in Many Ways

Common worship

JUST last week, our nation demonstrated another event of unity and hope, the Festival of Light, which brightened the entire nation.
People of all walks of life came out openly and enjoyed celebrating Deepavali in many ways.
Communities in Fiji changed their usual clothes and costumes to welcome lights to dispel the darkest night of the year.
Homes, streets, places of worship, business organisations, old peoples homes and orphanages celebrated the occasion with cheers and sweetness.
The poor were given special care by many who gave food, sweets and cash bringing joy to needy members of the society.
We were able to serve God this way.
The entire nation was united with hope and blessings from god Ganesh and Vishnu, goddess Lakshmi, who must have showered everyone with good health, wealth, knowledge and fulfillment of all basic necessities.
Similarly, citizens of Fiji celebrate Christmas, Eid, Baisakhi, Holy and Easter weekends together irrespective of cultural and traditional differences. This is what makes Fiji a unique place on earth where communities join together to forgive one another and share resources to make everyone's life enjoyable.
The country has gone through many dark days but its multicultural and multi-religious teachings have always tried to bring understanding and happiness.
What all we have to do is to strengthen each of the above celebrations to another level and genuinely commit ourselves towards the prosperity of the entire nation, putting aside our individual gains.
In the holy name, the Sanatan Fiji is suggesting that intra and interfaith dialogue be initiated and continued to a healthy level to further enrich our holy nation with many godly gifts that is yet to be enjoyed by our citizens.
Significance of light
It signifies so many good investments like the celebration of good over evil, killing of evil within us, promoting happiness, serenity, hopefulness, enjoyment and elation of human spirit.
It also promotes family unity and provides time for worship. The above shows commonalty with other faith-based celebrations so we are celebrating each other's occasions with pride and happiness. As in the Holy Scriptures, such offering of togetherness will surely assist our nation.
Words to live by
Our Holy Scriptures seeks to educate us on forgiveness, kindness, respectfulness and truthfulness. We all understand its meanings but at many times still not able to practice it.
These words of wisdom need to be discussed in homes, with friends and debated in many forums so that we are reminded of the significance of its meaning. Once we accept and action those words, there will be a lot of changes within and around us.
* A message from the Shree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji.

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