Thursday 3 November 2011


New bottled water plant for Fiji

An American company is expected to open a bottled water facility in Rakiraki soon.

Fiji 480 Holdings Limited along with Magic Mountain has been granted a lease to set up the facility at Vunitogoloa - just kilometers away from the Fiji Water bottling plant.

Magic Mountain is a locally owned company with various businesses having invested into the venture.
Company officials, landowners and i-Taukei Land Trust Board officials are meeting with the Commissioner Western at Vunitogoloa.

The FBC News has been reliably informed that the source of water is at Nananu village.
It is anticipated that the new facility will be bigger than the Fiji Water plant and will provide competition.
The new plant - to be extablished within the next 12 months - is expected to provide employment to surrounding villages.

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